Secret Song.

Can't tell this to the closest friend,
How I've found you, how we've meant
To be in marriage, a secret marriage.

It started as a cruel game,
Until it suddenly became
The secret marriage, our secret marriage.

Don't know when, don't know why.
The logic cannot be applied
To Secret Marriage, our secret marriage.

Secret Marriage did not start,
Secret Marriage will not end.
Fragile treasures of my heart
Can't be touched by any hand.

No engagement, like encagement,
No beginning, and no end.
Like the best wine that is aged.
Two free hearts in perfect blend.

No golden rings, no silver bells,
The paradise, that feels like hell,
Our secret marriage, our secret marriage.

Can't live together or apart,
We grow in each other's hearts
In perfect marriage, our secret marriage.

And, even, if it hurts the most,
That we became each other's ghosts,
We bless this marriage,
our Sacred Marriage.

Serafima Yanovskaya.
14, March, 2002.

Picture taken in March, 2013.
Music: Intro by B-Tribe.

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